For the past 18 months I have been doing two things; writing and preparing for publication. These two activities have been rewarding and challenging. However, necessary in order for me to meet the end goal - to publish my first collection of poetry, Influence of Place.
On September 14, 2019 at 2pm I shared my vision, my goal, my baby with the world, at Eldorado Bokhandler in Oslo, Norway. And it was pretty awesome! The turn out for the book reading and signing was wonderful and fun! It was nice to be able to share the context for the content of the collection. And hearing questions from the audience about the work was great!
I want to thank everyone, faces I knew and new faces, who showed up to the reading, who bought a book, ordered a book, asked where they could buy a book, sent me a personal message and for sharing with me your love and excitement for this accomplishment
Thank you sincerely for supporting me and my work! Thank you for being open to receiving a collection of poetry that I am extremely proud of.
Happy reading and I look forward to hearing from you! Share your reviews of the book on Amazon, Goodreads, with your friends and family.
All the best,
Ernestine Louise
Influence of Place Book signing at Eldorado - Oslo, Norway. Photo Credit: Stig Marlon weston