One year ago on June 2, 2018 I had a poetry reading at the Litteraturhuset in Oslo, Norway. It was an opportunity for me to hear out loud, in front of an audience, the work that I had written up until that point. Getting the work off of my screen and out of my notebooks was a necessity. And It also served as a way for me to share with friends and strangers what I spend my time doing in Norway. Cultivating my goal - writing a collection of poetry that would be published in 2019.
The past month has been a focused intense period of doing the layout for the book, designing the cover, and learning about the world of publishing. It has not been boring in the least. It's been an exciting and busy time, hence the delay in posting a blog. After several rounds of edits and much discussion about font and word placement, I am happy to share the cover of Influence of Place.
The front cover of Influence of Place, Ernestine Louise, Poems 2019.
I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to share how thrilled I am with getting to this point in the process. The past year’s focus has been on writing and getting it to this very moment. It’s a strange feeling to be preparing to share the result of my creative project, Influence of Place, with people I know and with those who I don’t. And yet it is also wonderful to be in a position to share something that I am incredibly proud of.
Now onto the next phase of getting the book ready to be published, more editing.
Sign up for my newsletter to get information on the book launch, readings and where you will be able to find it.
All the best of everything wonderful and positive,
Ernestine Louise