It's Been Awhile - New Poem

Over the past 18 months I have had to take a step back from my creative writing head space, which I miss, to engage in work that I hope will contribute to the social and environmental issues that we face across the globe. As we slowly find our way out of the Covid 19 Pandemic there seems to be an air of hopefulness that we will have some semblance of normalcy, that seems to have been missing for so many.

The capacity that it takes to write creativity is important and when its gone it is felt. One of my first blog post Reflections: Time Is A Gift, really resonates with me at this moment in time. Although I have been writing less I have been painting more and exhibiting my work in Spain, Norway, and published images in two magazines in England.

So today is National Poetry Day and it seems one fitting that I share a poem upon my emergence from my writing practice hiatus.

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